Does our Homeowners Policy Cover our Son or Daughter While Away at College?
Does our Homeowners Policy Cover our Son or Daughter While Away at College?
by sch43yt9824huilb

Does our Homeowners Policy Cover our Son or Daughter While Away at College?

A student younger than 24 who is your relative, enrolled in school full time and is a resident of your Household, before leaving to attend school, is considered an insured. The homeowners policy states the limit of liability for personal property usually located at an “insured’s” residence, other than the “residence premises” is 10 percent of the limit of liability for coverage C, or $1,000 whichever is greater.

Theft of property located at school is covered as long as your child has been there at any time during a specified number of days before the loss (typically, 60 or 90 days). All of the normal personal property policy limitations apply to the collegiate away at school. These limitations are called special limits of liability and limit coverage to specified amounts for such property as money, jewelry and tickets. Some insurance companies have a special limits for computers and there may be a limit that applies to the unauthorized use of credit cards and fund transfer cards.  Please refer to your policy for specific coverages and exclusions.

Children away at school are covered for bodily injury or property damage they cause to others, when held legally liable for their actions. Included is the liability, children have for a hazardous condition in the dorm room, since this location is automatically covered as premises not owned by an “insured;” and where an “insured” is temporarily residing. However, your children are not covered for liability they incur from unlawfully providing alcohol to others who become involved in an auto accident.

You can contact Carrie Crockett at Schechner Lifson Corp 908-598-7848 or for more information.

Schechner Lifson Corporation